Additional Story of Dog Dens.
Cedar Tree Between Eyes and Dog Den.
There was a man, wife, and a daughter who was very handsome and a young man tried to marry her and they would come to the parents but the parents would say, “We do not wish to go against her will. If she consents to marry, she can do so” and other young men would come and try to buy her and take her as a wife and they would go to her parents and the parents would say, “If she wants to marry the young man, that is alright” and again she would refuse. One day the girl had reached maturity and was single. She knew no man; she had never associated with men. It was during the hot summer months and it was so hot that the people could not sleep she lay in her bed but could not sleep it was so sultry. Along towards morning she went to sleep and when she woke up again she saw a person getting up and putting his white robe around him, went out. The dogs barked when he went out and there was a big commotion among the dogs.
The young woman thought about and worried. She wondered who the person could be and if he could have been in bed with her. Time passed and she fell asleep again and towards morning just as she woke up she saw the same person leaving her bed and walking out and as usual the dogs barked and followed him through the camp. She again thought about it and worried as usual. She took her bag of paint out and laid it beside her pillow and thought when he came again if she saw him leaving the bed she would take the paint and throw it on his back and that way tell who it was.
She waited for several days again and one night she went to bed and just as she woke up, she saw the man rise and she threw her bag of paint at the person and it struck him between the shoulders. He went out through the door and was gone. After breakfast she saw young men standing on their lodges and she went around through the village to see all the young men to see if she could see paint on their backs; she even examined some of the women. She could not find anyone with paint on his back. She gave up and came back. When she went in she noticed a white dog lying there sleeping and walked up to it and saw paint on the dog’s back between the shoulders. She was angry and gathered up a short stick she used to break the corn off of the cob with and went to where the dog was lying and as the dog was sleeping, she raised the club with the intention of killing the dog right there. Just as she raised the club, the dog jumped up and she struck the dog across the face slanting and it howled and ran out. She saw the dog running towards the hills. She worried and about two months after that she knew that she was in a family way.
The time came for her to give birth to a child and she went out and came to a place where there was a washout and there she gave birth to the child. She lay there and she had another one and then she knew that there were more. There were nine of them and the last was known as Last Child. They were pups. She went back home and worried over what had happened but once in a while she would go back and nurse the nine pups. One night there was a severe thunder storm and the rain fell in torrents and the next morning she was worried about the pups so she went to where the pups were. She noticed when she came to the place that there were large tracks in the mud and she saw the track go over the hills and the tracks of the little ones followed. She followed the tracks a long ways and reached a high hill and looked down. There she saw a tipi and walked up to it. A little boy came out and said, “Mother is here.” She heard voices in the tipi and a man voice saying, “If that was your mother, you would never have been born in that washout and still the little boy” and the boy said, “I am going to bring my mother in the tent”
The other children said, “Yes, bring her in.” The little boy led his mother into the tipi and she saw her father sitting there, a big man, light complexion; he had a scar on the side of his face where she struck him with her club. She saw that he was angry at her and he never spoke to her at all. She saw that the little boy who brought her in was the Last Child. They roasted a whole rib and would cut the ribs and always give her the shortest rib close to the flank. They went to bed and early next morning she woke up and found herself all alone. She saw their tracks and followed them all day long and in the evening she found the tipi. The little boy came out again and spoke to her and invited her in. They were cooking supper and when they ate, again they gave her the short rib. The man never spoke to the woman. They went to bed and next morning she woke up and found herself alone again. She got up and followed the tracks all day and came to the tipi in the evening and invited in by Last Child. Next morning she found herself alone and followed the tracks all day. The fourth day the same thing happened and the next day they travelled and came to Dog Den and went in.
This man and his children went into the den and she followed them right up to the entrance. Last Child invited his mother to come in and she went right in. There she learned the name of the oldest boy and the one next to him. The oldest was Cedar Between the Eyes and the second one was Blows Through the Hole. Last Child said, “Mother, when you go back home, you must tell your people not to come to this Dog Den often. My brothers will travel around in winter time freezing the people. This cedar between the Eyes will see people far from their homes, make them lose their minds, lead them astray, and he will make fire here and there and that is the way the people will follow him around while Blows Through the Hole will blow them and freeze them to death. My father will have it so when your people find the dog den, he will cause the enemy to come and will have the enemy kill your people. That is why I say to tell your people to stay away from Dog Den. Mother, when you go back to your people, I will go with you.